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TWR | 17:58 Thu 19th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Without Sarcasm, how would you describe yourself?


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Jan ^^ ((HUG))♥
opinionated but always honest
Petulant, boring and pessimistic.

I paint a good picture eh!! Hehe!
Kind to animals
Picture John Wayne standing framed by the house door in the closing scene of "The Searchers"... not me but my Dad looked like that... Always thought Mom had an overly wistful look in her eye when talking about the milk man though...
Irish, 6ft, 12 stone, black hair greying at the temples, blue eyes, somtimes nice sometimes nasty, like animals,most people but can't stand bigotted idiots.
practical, pragmatic, sensible,hard working, beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, god's gift. absolutely irreplaceable...and MODEST...hee hee!

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