It does sound as if he is controlling. He got angry at you for deciding to go out after he let you know he was with some girl in her hotel room. So it's ok for him to do what he wants, but you have to toe the line.
That kind of behaviour isn't healthy in a relationship, if it's good for one it should be good for the other.
Seriously I would let him get on with it, don't give in & contact him, every time you give in & go running back you are telling him in an indirect way that you agree with his terms.
He doesn't have to treat you right, because you are allowing him to treat you wrong, does that make sense?
I know how hard it is to walk away from someone you love, but a healthy relationship is based on 2 people working together, with compromise, understanding & respect. When one part of that relationship just wants to do what they want, with no thought to the other, then it's doomed, because you then become an option rather that a priority & that leaves you having to accept the terms set out, which leads to resentment & eventually seperation.
It's hard at the start but time will get you through it. Good luck & stay strong xx