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Drug Dealer in Bali.

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TWR | 10:40 Tue 29th May 2012 | News
49 Answers
Should this woman be shot going off the law in this country? " Mirror Today"


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I belive she is looking for help Jake! do you fancy the job? have you a family?
Playing devil's advocate - no-one is forced to do drugs. I still feel that there are forms of execution that are just...wrong. Like being stoned, for instance.

(Yes, I'm aware of the irony in using the term 'being stoned').
1.6m of cocaine is hardly small fry. The report in the Daily Excess said she was a neighbour from hell. It was interesting to note that the woman in question was up for her photoshoot, while the four men (3 Britons and 1 Indian national) were allowed to wear balaclavas.
If she did it I have no sympathy whatsoever...........
I wonder if the AB server is ever in danger of crashing when the self-righteous brothers queue up to compete for who can be the most morally outraged?

For heaven's sake - if you think this woman should face the consequences of her actions, then fine, but is there any need for the gleeful posting about her being 'scum', and adding in the fact that she is allegedly a bad neighbour (for some people, more of a crime than drug smuggling it would seem!)

It is perfectly possible to agree that the law should take it's course, but that is still to happen. At this stage this woman is innocent until proven guilty, so put the knitting needles away and stop harking for the sounf of the tumbrill wheels, and let's hope she can get a fair trial shall we?
She knew the risks, was quite willing to take them for substancial pieces of silver and then whines now she has been caught red handed in a country that has zero tolerance to drug smuggling. So yes she deserves to be punished by the full extent of the law in that country. From what i have heard about her background she would have been fully aware of the misery that Class A drugs cause in her own neighbourhood let alone worldwide, yet was quite willing to be complicit in adding to that misery for profit. So Yes if the death sentence is appropriate then so be it, being British does not give her special rights over any other drug smuggler that is caught.
Forget all the ramblings of pro and cons, and the moralists

Just let the course of justice take place and then shoot her if she is guilty. One less drug dealer poisoning our kids.....
I wouldnt waste bullets on this lot, make the punishment fit the crime, force feed them a K of charlie each and let them go through what the people at the end of the chain go though because of the consequences of these vile people.
No over-reaction from you then barney!

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