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solar paneling

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slinky.kate | 13:06 Wed 15th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
now that they have stopped the loft insulations i am getting calls for solar paneling,does anyone else get them?


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I do and they don't stop the script even when I tell them I live in a ground floor flat .
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its like when they phone me up and ask me if i am interested in an extension,only i am in an upper cottage flat
I've had a couple, they sound very surprised when I explain the reason I'm not interested is because I already have solar panels!
Contrary to other replies we expressed an interest. No one ever rang us back.
i never get any calls
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Do you have a phone Mccfluff?
Just had one about 5 minutes ago! "Hi, this is Sean, I believe you are interested in solar panelling."

Said if he had a pen and paper I'd give him my landlord's telephone number.
Call ended rather quickly. Always throws them off.
We have solar panels too, although living in Scotland probably defeats the purpose! ;)
lol voddie. True! Now, are there rain panels? They'd make a fortune.
Lol Alba....let's take that to Dragon's Den! We'll make a fortune! x
2ft x 2ft sponges, nicely arranged on the roof. In place of guttering, there's a mangle/wringer for a good squeeze, the water is funnelled into a giant tub.
On going through the mangle, the dried sponge rotates back into position on the roof.
Yay, the sun is out......I can turn on the dishwasher. Don't get solar panels, you become a complete slave to the sun!
As my house is over three hundred years old and a listed building and we live in a conservation area I don't think I would get permission for them, I have told them this but it does not stop the phone calls.

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