Whenever murder or some other appalling atrocity hits the headlines, the almost universal reaction is outrage and condemnation of the perpetrator, and from the religious - and in particular Christians - additional prayers and expressions of sorrow for the victims and their relatives. However, the God of Abraham murdered millions and - if his adherents are to be believed - he still (depending on the particular flavour of religion) promises death, damnation, or appalling and eternal torture to all dissidents – with not one word of condemnation from the faithful. How do they reconcile their acceptance of his behaviour and of this example of their blatant double standards?
The Cathars got it right...God is really the devil pretending to be god and the real god doesn't exist. God (devil) cannot have done all the nasty things by accident (him being omnipotent).
Jom, I too think the Cathars had something there - but it doesn't explain why the faithful accept God's appalling behaviour without a hint of criticism.