It is interesting to compare two recent news stories"..
The Daily Telegraph headline screams
" Two British Soldiers killed by Afghan POLICEMAN "
Of course he was not a policeman, he was Taleban dressed as a policeman.
Now compare that with the attack on Camp Bastion by people in US uniforms. It was never suggested they were US soldiers. Even though Taleban dressing as friendly allies tricked the British, the headline didn't read:
" Four British Soldiers killed by US SOLDIERS "
OK, you may ask why does the different reporting matter? It matters because in the report about the "policeman" the reader is left feeling the Afghan Police and the greater Afghan population cannot be trusted. And the response from the British public can be guaged by the removed answer above.
When the Taleban dress as US soldiers, little is made of it and it isn't in the headline. And no inference is made that because of this incident all genuine US Soldiers cannt be trusted.
Hiding Double standards. But that is how this war has been presented from the beginning.