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TWR | 18:44 Fri 28th Sep 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I contacted the firm last night regards Sola Panels, (FREE OF CHARGE) yes, free, I though there would be a catch but belive me, there is not, just GOOGLE this address in, but your house must face South & able to fit 16 / 18 panels on. For this advise, I will not charge you.



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Are you on commission TWR?
Question Author
I though there was a catch in this Hop, but belive me there is not, just check it out.
How does this scheme work?

Do you get free electricity and the provider of the panels benefits form the FIT?
Question Author
The firm get your permission to fit the panels, they foot ALL THE EXPENCE, if any damage they will pay, they are up for 25yrs, you get a reduction in your Elec cost, they reap an amount, they get paid by the Gov to fit the panels Eccles, go on their site & check, & no, I'm not on commission, I though I would mention it.
Are you on commission TWR?

I was going to ask if TWR was on something too.
I understand that TWR.

What I am trying to square away is do the provider of the panels claim the full FIT payment?

So you rent your roof to the provider in return for free electricity all the while the sun is shining and generating solar energy? And they get the lions share of the deal.

If you sell your house, will they remove the panels or are you locked in for 25 years?

What is their position if you want to extend your house which may involve reconfiguring the roof?
If you sell your house, will they remove the panels or are you locked in for 25 years?

Not looked at the site But .......
Question Author
Eccles, I'm not being nasty, just look on their site rather than asking these Qs.
We have solar panels which we paidforand have the full Fit refund. WE do not have free electricity. WE have reduced electricity usage and so our electricity bill is cheaper. If we sell the house the panels stay and the new occupier reaps the bebefits.
Question Author
The same as Mick, just look on their site, kit will give you all the info you need there.
Thanks for the reminder. I'll have a look but I'm pretty sure that when I looked at it around 9 months ago there was a catch, and I also remember that there can be an issue when it comes to selling. It may be that the catch was it had to be finished by a certain cut-off date to qualify but I think there was legal challenge and the dates were extended
Factor, as I understand the FIT was reduced in April for outright ownership of panels. If your panels were installed prior to April you got the higher FIT rate.
I'm sorry for the errors in my post. I am typing in the dark!

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