My friend who is undergoing second time of chemo has now found whatever is in the steroids has put her sugar level sky high and feels terrible. I believe she has been given medication to reduce it.
Sent me an email to say when she was at cancer ward there was only standing room only - how awful for them all.
Too right. I have a number of friends either undergoing chemo or who have had chemo. One of them described it as "medieval" treatment, but unfortunately at present it appears to be the only way of prolonging their lives.
My wife went for her first round of Chemo yesterday in MK
There were about 5 or 6 others there spent about half an hour with the McMillan Nurse - very professional as relaxed an experience as I can imagine in the circumstances!
My wife is diabetic too - and yes the steroids will put sugars way up - make sure they know that she's diabetic though as some chemo drugs are normally done in a glucose solution which they'll change if they know the patient's diabetic
When my Husband was receiving Chemo, we were given a pager, so could pop to the café or walk in the gardens etc and they would bleep when chemo was ready - may be worth having a word with PALS at your point of treatment for something like this. Many waiting areas are tiny.