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Lower back x ray

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fruitsalad | 18:06 Wed 17th Oct 2012 | Health & Fitness
2 Answers
I've been in a lot of pain in my lower back will x rays show what the problem is or does it not always show up on x rays?


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I guess it depends on what is causing the pain and whether that cause (or something suggesting it) shows up on xrays. I assume normal xrays rather than more specific scans?

I had something show up on some of my lower back xrays a while back so my rhumatologist ordered an MRI but said that the results of that were fine.
I was referred to a Musculo-skeletal clinic at the beginning of October; brilliant treatment. Spoke to a consultant on Tuesday, MRI scan on Thursday, letter back from One Health Group 10 days later. Appointment (because of cancellation) on Monday.

Apparently this is a reasonably new system which tries to fast track people to be seen within 2 weeks. I went to my GP and she suggested it. She thought it was 'just' arthritis but the MRI scan has come back with all sorts of things, but nothing 'sinister' (at least I don't think so). Don't know yet what the treatment will be, operation or injections, but really I have had marvellous treatment.
In the referral letter I was referred to as a '71 year old pleasant lady'. How's that!

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Lower back x ray

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