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boxtops | 11:18 Sat 10th Nov 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

I'll buy some stamps.


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Well done - guess the drinks aren't on you then?
Question Author
That would be.. three chocolate milks, then?
congratulations. x
buy a ticket for tonight with it as it is lucky money...
Question Author
Good idea, dotty, although I have a standing order on Lotto so I don't forget!
I'm so jealous :-)
yay! just checked my ticket too £4.90 as well :)
Congrats, I only managed £3 and recycled it into hotpicks
i would of opted for no publicity
i didn't realise that you had to win the lottery in order to buy stamps (they are so bloody expensive!) ;-) x
Hey, let us rub shoulders with you boxy, supposed to pass on the luck. x
lol @lcg.
put it all on mass rally 3.10 at donny
Well done, I won £3.00 on the thunderball last Saturday.
I got £5.80p mind you it doesn't go very far split six ways.
Darn it, didn't see Mass Rally was running
[i]£10, Wennesday :-)[i].
I won £2.70 last week. That nearly covered 2 bus trips on my oyster card.

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