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What Have I Forgotten??

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2sp_ | 14:36 Sun 09th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Christmas cards are written and posted.
Calendars to Oz and NZ are posted.
Presents for far flung folk are posted.
90% of presents are bought.
All Christmas meat is ordered at the butchers.
Plenty of wrapping paper and sticky tape in the house.

Still feel like I've forgotten something or someone!

Is it just because I'm (unusually) so well organised this year?


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It's a very nice feeling, when you go in the shops and other people are still running about like headless chickens :-)
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Mr P and I took both the kids to town yesterday to get the bulk of the presents. It was bonkers. Couldn't believe how many folk there were and most of them were grumpy.
Plenty time yet.
Just a thought! What Have I Forgotten?? have you got your knickers on?
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TWR, after the second child, they're never coming off again.
no there isn't shoota.
Lol I like that. lol lol
I have been the same this year, most of presents bought, food sorted, even the birthday presents are done. Never been so early, so I have this sneaking feeling that I must have forgotten something that will come to mind on Christmas Eve!!!!
The tree?
I absolutely love he fact that I'm not bothering with Christmas this year and don't have to worry about what I've forgotten.

It is incredibly liberating and I'm looking forward to having cheese on toast on the 25th!
^^^ Coming to yours Eccles. OK if I bring my jar of chutney?

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