no, I think they usually just dab a bit of liquid nitrogen on with a baby bud. Doesnt' hurt, no need for anaesthetic. They over a week or so they will harden and drop off. At least that's how it's been with me.
When I was getting a verucca treated I mentioned that I had a couple of skin tags on my neck. Wee dab with a cotton bud dipped in liquid nitrogen and they were gone the next day. Wish I could say the same for the verucca lol.
I've been thinking about getting them removed for ages. There's 3 of them on my neck and chest, look like coco pops. I'm getting it done at the GPs' surgery.
FGT, normally I'm the sort of person that would have a go at home surgery (sorry, Sqad), but I think these are just a bit big and not keen due to there position.
Had two on the collar line recently. GP froze them with what looked like an aerosol can that sprayed cold nitrogen. Slight discomfort, did not hurt (and I am the biggest baby)and as he said they both detached during sleep a few nights later. Job done.