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I Just Have To Say.....

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fredkins | 03:02 Mon 17th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
That when you are bullying,taking the P??? or just humiliating fellow Abers please take Into consideration their circumstances, you do not know these people,are they depressed,lonely, could they do something to themselves If you are so nasty to them, have you thought about this.I know most of you out there are good honest people and would not do this. But just think about It ,If you are one of those people that bully, would you have It on your conscience.?


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Fredkins, nip back to the post you are referring to, no one was bullying you, and as you say, you've had a few drinkies, so hopefully it will look better with a clear head.
Sleep well.
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No baldric I am not referring to me,as tonight,no I did not think I was being bullied.You have got It wrong,I will explain later.
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And as for drinkies I meant two glasses of wine,no more no less,as you can see from my keyboard skills I am not drunk.If that was what you were Implying.
Ok, I've tried to be pleasant, you are obviously looking for a fight, I'm not.
Good night.
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Hey Baldric come back,no I am not looking for a fight,I love you all on this site.COME BACK Baldric.x
Some people are too quick to accuse people of bullying. Disagreeing and having a different opinion is not bullying.
There is always the ON / OFF Button.
-- answer removed --
Bullying is a pretty strong word.
And over used.

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