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Cheap Stamps

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maggiebee | 21:25 Wed 19th Dec 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Someone mentioned in the Post Office today that pensioners can get stamps at last year's prices. Has anyone heard of this and if so, what to you need to qualify?


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21:27 Wed 19th Dec 2012
I thonk you have to be on certain benefits/pension credit. But check on the website for details
I think its limited to people in receipt of a benefit and the amount of cheaper stamps you are entitled to is limited
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Thanks folks. Unfortunately I don't qualify which must mean I'm too well off!! I wish lol
Not that this helps you any, but the other day, I went into my local discount shop, and asked if they sold single stamps (I only wanted 2). He had a rummage round in his till drawer thingy, and plucked a couple out, shrugged and said "sell ya these 2 for 50p???) I was stunned that they were so cheap, better yet, when I got home, i'd somehow acquired four...for the grand sum of 50p!!
yes there is a leaflet at your local p.o that tells you who is entitled to claim I got 36 2nd class stamps and they said I saved over £5, for which I am grateful.

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