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What Treasured Item Have You Lost, That You'd

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Iluvspikey | 12:37 Sun 06th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
love to have back again?


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Oh well...back to the drawing board. :-(
Sell us a smacker for a tanner.....
boxtops, you know what springs to my mind about your lost wedding ring. "St Anthony look around something's lost that can't be found" I do hope it turns up.x
Katburd, thank you ! I'm going to give it a go!
My daughter.
My engagement ring was stolen by burglars in March of last year, I came across them in my bedroom and told them to get out. If only I'd told them to leave what they had in their pockets... something tells me one day I'll see it but I think that's hopeful thinking.
My ice skates.
Nothing in the object sense... only people
my father
The 18ct gold charm bracelet my parents bought me for my 21st in 1976. It had 13 gold charms on it, most of them bought by family for birthdays or christmas and in 1980 my brother-in-law came to visit us at the RAF base and he stole it a sold it in a pub in Canton, Cardiff. He had jumped bail and failed to appear and was 'on the lam' but they caught up with him, too late to stop him selling my bracelet though.
Having read some of these posts, I feel awful.
It was my doll's house, my dad made for me when I was 2. 8 years later, mother left it behind when we were moving.
'There's no room for it' As if......
The handbag some swine nicked off me some years ago .
It wasn't the monetary value but the sentimental stuff that it contained .
But it taught me a lesson .I travel light these days:)
I answered this question as what ITEM have you lost. I don't feel my loved ones, who I've lost, are items; no item would ever come near to losing my parents or my husband...

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