Are there any greeting card makers out there? Received two at Christmas and they are lovely so thought I might give it a try. Any suggestions on how to get started would be appreciated.
Just use bits and pieces you have in the house. Some card, decent scissors, or guillotine for cuting card and some decorations. I usually make my cards on the computer and then embelish them with buttons, ribbons or other colours of paper/card. The sky's the limit. I'm no expert at it, I just enjoy it. I use old Christmas, birthday, moving house cards too.
I like making decoupage cards .Easy to do .You just need some sharp scissors sticky pads and varnish. You can buy the papers to cut out at any craft shop .
As tenrec says, make use of materials you already have (I've just taken down my Christmas cards so am sorting through then at the moment) before buying new. My friend uses bath caulk to fix multi-layered pictures, other people use double-sided stickers.
go to somewhere like here, buy card blanks, some toppers and some peel-offs and away you go. go to youTube and put in card making and you'll get hundreds of tutorials and how to's