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DangerUXD | 00:18 Thu 17th Jan 2013 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
Anyone seen it? What do you think? Not a patch on the old one IMHO, writing seems as good as ever but I think the three main characters are all wrong, especially Humphrey and Bernard.


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Bought the boxed set of the original series so don't want to watch the new one...............yet!
Missed it, though it can't be any worse than Blandings.
Big let down that was.
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I thought it was awful! I still maintain that David Haig is one of the finest British actors of his generation but this was all but unwatchable. I don't understand the need to resurrect the past. Yes, (Prime) Minister was one of the greatest British sitcoms of all time. Maybe the writers were offered a lot of money?

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