As is:
Quasimodo realizes he is nearing retirement age and has to choose and train a replacement.
After several interviews, he begins the training with the novice bell ringer. Quasimodo explains to him that the secret of the mellow tones he, Quasimodo has been able to elicit from the bells Of Notre Dame for so many years lies in the fact that he doesn't actually use the clappers but swings rapidly on a length of rope towards each bell and strikes each one with his forehead!
The novice is completing initial training and comes time to practice his forehead thing. As he swings at full speed towards the first bell... he flinches at the last moment, loses his balance and falls head first over the parapet to the pavement below...
Two villagers happen along just at that moment... one, using his toe turns over the now very dead body. "Hmmm"... he says to the other villager... "Do you know him?"... the second villager says ... "No... but his face rings a bell"...