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What Do You Think About This Idea?

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silliemillie | 21:32 Thu 07th Feb 2013 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

I was reading the local paper when I saw an advert, first I laughed to myself thinking no one would go for that surely but then I thought maybe i should admire this person for seeing a 'gap in the market' still deciding!

The ad was 'I will visit your garden & collect up your dog mess, £5 per visit'


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I'm glad I don't live in the sort of area where people have loads of dog poo in their gardens!
Wonder if he does cats as well.There were 5 piles on my lawn this morning and I haven't got a cat.
That's very enterprising, but I wouldn't want to have to wait until I'd got £5-worth...!
We once went to view a house, which was absolutely stunning. Then we went into the back garden which was knee deep in dog mess.
I still feel sick when I think about it.
I think the house owners could have used someone like this.
I'm struggling to work out which is worse that someone can lash the cash on a daily visit or will wait and let it pile up for a weekly visit....
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Tilly, I didnt think of that! I dont actually know anyone who has piles of it but I bet there are as Mrs O says.
I would submit a counter offer idea ad which will read..........

"I will visit your garden, find your dog, and stick a cork up its arse, for only £10 a mess, innit!"
lol @ yogi

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