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I Have 3 More Q's After This...

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WOLVESRKOOL | 00:45 Wed 20th Feb 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
this word has 12 letters...... the hint is... "Information written by people who lived in a later time" help?!?!?!?!?!


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Is this a crossword, wolves? if so, do you have any letters already?
Question Author
yea, i have c,a, and y

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and r and e
but where, wolves? you need to show us like this C???R???W???E (for example)
Question Author
ohh okk... ???C???A?Y???R?E
That's a hard one - are there any other clues feeding into this answer, to give us more letters?
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If you are using the question mark to represent an unknown letter then that is sixteen not twelve.
ohh okk... ???C???A?Y???R?E

That's 16 letters, and this site

didn't come up with anything.
so the answer definitely has 16 letters, not 12?
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boxtops no sorry there is no more letters
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and yes i mis-counted
A 16 letter word and so far you have only five. Wow that's a toughie.
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