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Football Team Using Body Parts ???

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joggerjayne | 00:37 Thu 07th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
79 Answers
Wondered if it had been done?


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Bristols city

heart of midlothian

Question Author
AkRINGton Stanley
Wig-on FC

Pressedon North End
Question Author
AssTum Villa
Question Author
Preston North bell End
Eintract Frank's-fart FC
Bumminghum City
Ports mouth
manCHESTer United
Question Author
Jeez, DT ...

Whoosh !!!
Question Author
Oh, come on, MT ...

Who ????
From the Bundesligue

FC Colon
Borussia Munchingladback
Handover 96
Ham burger SV
VFB Stuttergart
Buyer Liverkuzen
AEL Limassole
Bumminghum City has to take best answer...PMSL

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Football Team Using Body Parts ???

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