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Georgiesmum | 11:41 Sun 10th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
We had a good covering of snow last night and more this morning. How is it your way?


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Well it's trying quite hard to snow here (Peterborough). Apparently 14 miles away it IS snowing quite hard because my mother has called me and asked me to pick up my grandparents.
Snowing here in the West Mids.
Just cold and rainy here in North Devon.
We're supposed to be getting snow tomorrow.
Snowing really horrible, wet, snow and freezing cold here in Northants.
Snowing lightly at midnight last night here in st ives (just down the road from barmaid)
Woke up to a thin layer of snow on the cars this morning
Had 2 light flurries this morning, one minute blue sky, next grey. It can't make up its mind.
(Glasgow area)

BM, hope you have a lovely day, take care.
Get the sledge out gness !.
I once had a stunning accident on a sledge Tony. It was so good I got a round of applause from the ice skaters I cut a swathe through on my landing.
Room for two on my sledge....join me?
No snow at the moment but icy cold.
Yeah I'll join you gness, but only if I can steer.
Fine Tony...keeps you where I can see you! x
Started snowing at 4 am and still coming down. Good covering but easing off.
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Tony, I really don't think sitting in front of gness is a good idea!!
Yes ah wench thinking about it and your right !.
I has been snowing in Edinburgh and it seems to be sticking
snowing in birmingham but not settling thank goodness

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