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Wife's Birthday

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magicmick | 00:40 Tue 19th Mar 2013 | Jokes
13 Answers
I asked my wife what she would like for her birthday
she said something with diamonds, and something that goes from 0 to 60 in 5 seconds, so I bought her a pack of cards and a set of bathroom scales


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that is hilarious ... may i pass that one on please?
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Be my guest exelsior, that's what it's all about :-)
thank you ... they'll love it at work
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Sorry excelsior-1
Lol,v funny
excellent! Going to wake Mrs W up and show it to her. How brave/stupid is that?!
Lol !
My Wife asked for an animal skin coat.

I bought her a Donkey Jacket!

Good one

I asked my wife where she'd like to go for our anniversary and she said "take me somewhere I've never been" - so I showed her into the kitchen!
Tee-hee, at joke and answers.
I asked my wife what she wanted for her birthday, she said a widow's pension!
smartowl for best answer!
-- answer removed --

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Wife's Birthday

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