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My Last Fuel Bill..........

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Jeza | 22:18 Wed 27th Mar 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
At the middle of February was nearly £500. If the weather doesn't warm up soon the next one will be as bad. Are yours the same?


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Maybe an elrctric blanket would help Mic.
Electric blankets are as cheap as chips. So is underfloor heating.
What a dam good idea tambo, a large electric blanket draped over the house.

underfloor heating is cheap ?
My last gas/electric bill for 3 months was.......£111.86!
Yes, underfloor heating is very cheap to run. Not so cheap to buy though.
Do you live on the Equator Chill??
No chrissa1, I'm just prudent. I don't have an electric shower, it's fed off the tank so I rarely have the hot water on in the week because I shower when I get to work(obviously I have it on when I'm off work with hols, weekend etc).
I tend to boil my hot water when doing washing up, again no point in having the water on constantly just for me. As I often cycle to work anyway there's no point showering before I go, better and fresher to do it when I get there.

I have the heating on/put gas fire on in the living room when needed to 'take the edge off' as it were but don't have it on during the night, I just switch on the leccy blanket 15 minutes before bed and take a hot water bottle with me.
In this weather, indoors I slob around in thick socks, joggers, sweatshirt and fleece dressing gown.
Our combined gas/lecky bill at end January (large sprawling one bed flat) was £220. I suspect a large percentage of that is the Power Shower.
I pay £36 per month for electricity and £46 per month for gas. This seems to balance out over the year. Having said that, I'm out quite a bit and have my central heating on a timer. From the bills mentioned on here I reckon I get off quite lightly.
The other thing that sort of helps is that I don't know how to set the timer on the central heating, which I guess is a blessing in disguise!
Somebody mentioned there wanting a gas fire put in - yes you can get one put in even though you don't have a fire place - they run the pipe around the skirting board or perhaps beneath it to outside of your house - having said (I don't want one) but my friend and other friends say running the gas fire is extremely expensive that they never light them. They just use a bit of central heating. I would never get one never.

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