Anybody recognise the symptoms and if we should be worried?
Male, 45 years old, normal weight, not of any medication, dull pain in upper right hand side of stomach (not severe). Very ichy skin, eyebrows falling out (yes really) and pain in right hand shoulder. Pale stools.
My OH is getting really worried and has been consulting the internet (daft I know). Can't get to see his GP until end of April.
Ooo. Thanks for your replies.
OH has never had a brilliant appetite. I don't think he is feeling particularly nauseous but he's taken to sleeping far, far more then usual. No yellowing of skin or eyes but the shoulder thing has been going on for a year or more - treated with antibiotics. Not sure if it is related or not.
Has been feeling a lot worse since we returned from Latvia a week ago - we did partake in drinking alcohol a lot but off the stuff completely now as it's given him quite a shock.