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bert_h //It's quite astonishing how often otherwise sensible ABers want to illogically associate such extremist religious views with all religion and with all religious people. It's as inexcusable as a religious person pointing out that because the three worst mass murderers of the 20th century (Stalin, Hitler, and Pol Pot) were non-religious, then all non-religious people must be intrinsically evil. The non-religious people won't buy that view, of course; but then, where do they get the blind spot that makes them want to sell its reverse? //

Firstly Hitler was a Catholic but that isn't the point. BTW The church never excommunicated him.

People are pointing out the problems with religion not because any particular person was religious or did something but because any objective analysis of what is taught as religion shows it to be a very primitive, unreasonable, dishonest philosophy that has no place in modern society.

Hardly a surprising finding since it religious beliefs and their text were dreamed up my ancient, ignorant, misogynist goat herders.

The really bizarre thing is that a modern intelligent person would expect any sense of it.
Moreover those stupid people did what they did because of the lies fed to them by religion. And then they stuck with their religion despite the f-ing obvious.

And there they are with seven other children. The stupid will inherit the earth because they breed faster then the intelligent.
Vulcan, I think you have got it in one.
Beso, they may breed faster but survival of the fittest will always have it's way, as we can see in this example.
Vulcan42... ////Keyplus, all religions pick out the bits that suit them and therein lies the problem./////

You really meant religious people and not the religion. Because religions can't pick or leave it is the people. I believe people should either believe everything that is clear in the religion or leave it all together. Only then the practicality of your religion can be tested. And I am quite satisfied with that aspect of my religion.
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I have to say that my thoughts on anyone who totally subscribes to a certain way of life which is detrimental to health or well being, has mental health issues. (OCD etc). IMHO religionists who do no deviate from their ~"belief" come into this category as well...those who work to the letter of their bible or belief and who are injurious to themselves or others certainly have some sort of quirk or mental health issue.

That doesn't excuse them but I feel religion and cults prey on people like this, they survive and feed off of people who are vulnerable...brainwashed and the like. Society won't change, beliefs won't change, it's a shame that the vulnerable ones (mental issue people included) are mostly the type who sign up to belief that is detrimental to themselves and family. This is my opinion only and one that I base on readings and knowledge at this time.
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HPSauce, I totally agree, its just brain washing from birth that is at fault!
//The very premise that there is an omnipresent omnipotent higher being is so absurd, so breathtakingly absurd, that one has to question how anybody can believe in it.//

Since the book tells us this 'higher being' is neither omnipresent nor omnipotent such a belief is even more absurb than imagined. There might be such an entity - but if there is, we know nothing about it and it's certainly not him.
I've never fully been able to make up my mind whether religion is more popular because it's more plausible, or more plausible because it's more popular.

Or maybe I have made up my mind and can't admit that to myself yet.

I can't see religion is plausible at all Jim and getting less popular by the day thankfully.
I'd plump for the latter, Jim. Religion is not logical and therefore it’s not plausible, but it seems the greater the number of believers, the more ‘respectable’ it becomes. ‘Cults’ are viewed with suspicion, but when their followers increase significantly in number, those cults, however implausible, become religions and hence 'respected'.
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