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Tuart Hall To Be Sued - What A Surprise

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VHG | 06:50 Sat 04th May 2013 | News
88 Answers
I did say a week or so back on this forum that many of these people who are bringing up old cases like Stuart Hall's case are doing it mainly to extract money from the "rich and famous".

Well here we have proof, a number of people are now going to sue Stuart Hall.

What next, adverts on TV saying "Been molested by a famous person- go to web site - there is no win no fee".


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You must feel absolutely vindicated and justified in claiming all these allegations are just attempts to get money then.

Well done!
Yes,PP, but why has he transferred, assigned, his interest in the house? The matrimonial home passes to the surviving spouse free of inheritance tax, whichever owns it and in what share or form of tenancy. His doing so when he knows that he is to be sued suggests an intent to avoid his creditors, an act which will not benefit him nor avoid them, since the court would disregard that and leave whatever value it had to him available for satisfaction my opinion my comparison to McCarthyism still stands, innocent people were targeted then, as I believe they will be now.
We nave family friend who was regularly raped by her older brother before she reached puberty (with her mother's connivance). She is a very nice person but she has difficulty developing relationships with men and at the age of 30 something she has never had what could be called a boyfriend and has had career problems which seem to me to be linked to her childhood experiences. A significant part of a normal life has been stolen from her and she will never get it back. The least she should get is a serious amount of money because she has never had anyone with whom to share the financial demands of life.
anagram, I know there have been people who have been wrongly accused, and that is awful, but we also have to be very careful not to discourage victims from coming forward.
jomifl, that strikes a chord. My experience was that incest offences came to light when the victim was mature and settled away from home, never when the victim was still young. In fact, most of them were where the offender was in a house of several children, and the eldest, grown up and away from home, feared that her young siblings were , or might be, abused in the same way and so she went to the police to report her own experience. It's easy to see how, in other circumstances, that reporting would not happen at all, the offence would never be prosecuted or known outside, and the victim would live with unresolved anguish for years. That history is yet another reason why victims of sexual assault don't report it for years or decades until prompted by other forces, such as publicity given to allegations and charges against the perpetrator.
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All these scandals don't surprise me anymore, once you knew the priests were at it, then it follows, if a "celebrity" was accused it's no surprise.

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