Now, I have a problem, the eldest son is having an artist's attack and I have in the back garden a carrier bag with dead bird inside it, and now a rabbit donated from a neighbour in another bag.. Both were wild and alive until a few days ago, now they are in my garden. While I do not want to hamper his artistic ( weird ) mind, I am afraid of what bacteria these beasties might be harbouring, whether they will attract rats , surely they are a health hazard? Please agree so I can take them for a walk and dispose of them. Soon. What is it with these artists ? ( thinks D. Hurst ).
freezer is better than fridge but wrap it well. I would also be giving arty son a deadline after which you will dispose of the models. Maggots are a bigger hazard than rats, I would deffo me making him paint in the garden.
Tell your eldest son he can go all Damian Hurst when he has his own place. Meanwhile he can cook them up for his tea on a camp fire at the bottom of the garden. If he photographs them first he'll at least have something to paint from.
The weird thing is...he just wants the bones ( yuk ) . I already have something nasty lurking in the freezer my OH assures me is going to catch some fish. At the first site of a maggot these specimens will go ...where. I have no idea !
For heaven's sake! - You are being incredibly cruel letting living creatures suffer and die on the off chance your son will want to draw/sculpt/stuff them. Throw them away (he isn't Leonardo da Vinci - he won't be documenting the stages of dissection). Don't get any more. If people bring them to you, tell them you aren't interested.
He wants to draw rabbits, let him take his book to a pet shop.
YES - they will attract rats. They will also attract blowflies. I don't know how old your son is, but encouraging this sort of 'art' isn't healthy.
Sealyham, read the title , he did not inflict any cruelty whatsoever , he picked up a bird that was in the road and the guy close to us hit a rabbit. In the name of art he wants to study bone structure . He is actually a very good artist , if not slightly potty sometimes.