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Just Brilliant !

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bazwillrun | 10:22 Sat 25th May 2013 | News
3 Answers

"The Corporation’s chief technology officer John Linwood, who earns £280,000 a year, has been suspended on full pay pending the outcome of the BBC’s investigation."

so rather than make him do something useful, theyre happy to throw away even more licence money so he can sit at home and enjoy himself.

have these idiots never heard the phrase transferable skills, if he refuses to do the work then stop paying him


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What and move him to do someone else's job? You're still paying one too many people. And if the did do that they could hardly sack him for discovered incompetence in what he was doing before. Taking him off what he's doing preserves their position for when it turns out, if it does, that he was responsible.
IF it does? Wasn't he in charge when the system had cost £38 million,well over forecast, and was patently useless? It went on to cost £100 million.
I not sure he is refusing to work. He is probably out of his depths. He came from Yahoo 4 years ago, a company heavily in decline and not really known for its content management.

It is still an impressive overspend. Microsoft (also a previous employer) and Yahoo could probably absorb wasting £millions for no result but a publicly accountable company cannot. I fear he may be spending more time in his native Zimbabwe.

But the idiots who appointed him will still ve around no doubt.
The problem with the BBC is the same as with all massive organisations - government, NHS, BBC - the list goes on - it's accountability - or rather lack of it.

The entire culture revolves around the fact that none of these people have to account for the money they spend. It's like Monopoly, except they get paid a lot for it. The money isn't real to them, there are no real consequences, nothing really happens to stop this kind of thing, so it carries on.

Accountability. Any party that ran with that for a campaign, and guaranteed to make it work would get my vote, and I suspect, a few million others.

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