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Plastic Anchors....

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boxtops | 11:25 Sun 02nd Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Dover wants to spruce up the roundabouts coming into the docks, to reflect our marine heritage.

They have been offered some large genuine metal anchors to place as a centrepiece.

Elf and Safety sez no, you have to have plastic replicas.

For Funks Sake.


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Based on what fruitloop logic Boxy??
People who fail to see there is a roundabout may crash into them and get hurt!
Question Author
Well - the only thing I can think of is that coaches and lorries coming down the hill into the town do sometimes crash into the roundabout..... (LOL they could use the anchor as a brake) - but you're hardly going to stub your toe on it, are you?

When I think of all the gloriously rusting centrepieces on some of the roundabouts abroad, this just makes me very frustrated.
Pathetic, I suppose it's in case someone crashes into them. I've always wondered why we don't make more of our roundabouts. Every one in Menorca (which you probably know) has some really smart and relevant artwork on it.
I think they're more likely to get nicked for scrap than do any damage tbh
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Lots in many countries, prudie - they are some spectacular ones in Saudi. The best thing we can do is cut-out cows (just installed on the new A20 roundabout in Ashford).
Oh dear. What a terrible world we live in.
I suppose if they had metal ones, some idiot would come along and pinch them too.
How stupid, either have proper anchors or none at all.
The roundabout on my way to Asda is IMO one of the best I've seen, commemorating Glasshoughton pit where Asda is now.
You could have two massive fingers making a V sign at France, boxie....

How about these pearlers that I saw in Cromwell on the South Island NZ....
I like this island.

Large chunks of metal on roundabouts in Dover,
The do as you likey recycling teams would be straight to work on those
i've never understood why it's funny or ironic to call health and saftey "elf and safety" Do people have trouble pronouncing or spelling health or something?
Prefer "elfin safety" myself. The daft pronouncements come from people who are away with the fairies.
i don't really get it, but i suppose it's because i am married to a health and safety professional, who has to put up with a lot of comments like that, despite the fact his job saves lives.
Rather nice one near the Reebok Stadium here, covered in images of sportsmen and women.
The roundabout near Waterloo station has an IMAX cinema in the middle of it. Wonder what the safety people thought about that !

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