A Non White Racist. in The AnswerBank: News
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A Non White Racist.

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anotheoldgit | 13:13 Thu 27th Jun 2013 | News
23 Answers

White persons are forever labelled racist by some, even though their comments could in no way be described as racist, by more reasonable minded persons.

But if the following remarks this doctor allegedly made in emails are true, he is a person who can truly be described as racist even though he does not happen to be white.

/// In one message he asked: ‘Did you know Jamaicans are immune to swine flu as they are swines anyway?’ ///

/// He told a colleague: ‘My computer has inherited a black virus. It does not want to work’, it is claimed. ///

/// One said: ‘Of course we are on a permanent holiday. We learnt it when we went to Africa,' while another read: ‘Bloody foreigner. She probably wants Jamaican ginger cakes, Jaffa cakes and black and white Hobnobs.’ ///

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Re Only whites are racist.

There seem to be a few on here who question my reasoning, yet fail to provide proof of their comments, but that doesn't surprise me, since it seems that it is only true if they themselves say it is, and anyone who disagrees with them immediately becomes a target for their sarcasm and insults.

I myself can find many instances where there have been attacks on whites but the police are "not treating it as a racist attack" etc, etc. also many more examples were certain ABers have dared to even post a thread that only slightly criticises a non white, and the usual suspects come out with their cries of racist, Nazi, Fascist etc, etc.
aog you seem to be trying to fudge the issue by confusing two different things

'only whites are racist'


'race attacks are only perpetrated by whites'


neither is true

no one has suggested they are

and your anecdotal reminiscences of previous debates over whether individual criminal attacks are 'racist' or not are irrelevant to those truths

This man clearly identified who his racism was aimed at.

That is totally different than a street gang fight where a white man is injurred or killed. That may have been racist, but in many instances we have debated on AB it is not, it is just young males out of hand. If two people of different races have a fight, it is not automatically racist in origin, it could be over a girl, or some property or a hundred other reasons.

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