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DJHawkes | 20:29 Sun 30th Jun 2013 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
I hate mine, is it my thyroid? Or is it bwing on them 9 hours a day 5 days a week?


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Whats the matter dot, are they aching ?, if they are it probably is that your on them all day.
I hate toes, have a really good look at them, sooooooo weird,!!!!
Question Author
it's been mental today, sat down for 15 minutes at 12 o'clock but from 9.15 - 5.15 i was either rushing about or standing at the till, the drive home was crazy too, loads of sunday drivers working out which lane of the M6 they are qualified to drive in..........
Beyond baby feet, they're all ugly anyway.
oh, baby feet are fabulous !!!!!!!!!
Go and give them a nice long soak dot, and then put them up and have a drink.
Question Author
B00 stop talking feet and talk co-op membership card, why won;t the website accept my reciept?

all day, eh?

that's quite a feet
Have you had it longer than 7 days? The receipt I mean?
so why do you hate your feet, what have they got to do with your thyroid?
'' have you had it longer than 7 days '' yes BOO id say dot's had her feet for a while :)
Question Author
B00 no, got it on friday, my granddaughter gained unsupervised access to my purse and some of my plastic has vanished, it will be in the toybox somewhere.

my feet have alwats been an issue as apparently an underactive thyroid doesn't like feet
Dunno then Dotty, soz.

Ring 'em

0800 023 4708
Question Author
ooooooo a freephone number to the top is it? lol i will do, it's a minefield in our local co-op, they are either nattering to each other at the till point whilst intentionally failing a mystery shop or on a silent protest, no happy medium.
your local co op can't do it anyway, it has to be done at Head office.
Question Author
oh, I'll let them know that tomorrow, the person i spoke to yesterday must have been asleep during that training module lol
According to the latest New Scientist, being on your feet is good for you.

By the way your thyroid is usually in your neck so I don't think it's likely to be on the end of your legs.

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