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For Quinie

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gness | 18:46 Tue 09th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Nine times table. Call all digits thumbs.
Place your hands, palms down on a table. Fingers from left to right are one to ten. Tuck the index finger of your left hand under. This is the fourth finger/digit. You now have three digits to the left of the tucked finger and six to the right. The left side digits are tens and the right side digits are units.
Therefore three on the left make thirty and six on the right make six. So four (the fourth finger) times nine makes thirty six.
Tuck the seventh finger under....(index on right hand)...six to the left and three to the right = six tens...three nines are sixty three.
I am not the best explainer so hope this is clear...easier when I was showing the children who were fascinated that they could do this table so easily...x


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That's brilliant, I can never do 9x table. If I can remember all this then I've cracked it.
Ah, magic nines. Taught my grandchildren the written way to remember, but it won't work here. Some good posts though.
Gness, I love it, I will show my grandson when i see him next. X
9x11 =99 9+9=18, 1+8= 9
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Do, Sparkles....little fingers love it. It was nice seeing the light dawn on the kids at school but a pain when they followed any adult demanding to be asked 7x9.....x
What have I missed? Why does quinie need the nine times table?
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Hi Daisy....follow on from Sandy's 12x thread...x

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