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Painful Foot

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Maydup | 20:50 Tue 09th Jul 2013 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
I was indoors going from room to room when my foot suddenly felt very painful. The instep was agony and I could hardly put it to the floor. I rested for a while but it took until the next morning for the pain to subside.

On the day following that I noticed a huge black bruise on the instep which is only just beginning to fade now after 2 days.

Any ideas what caused this? i Didn't stand on anything yet the pain was as if I had stood hard on a rock in bare feet. Not a nail, not a piercing pain, but felt as if I had trod on a hard object or strained the instep.


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It sounds like a muscle cramp or spasm that resulted in a burst blood vessel. I get them in my hands and in my toes and yes they are excruciating. I now take calcium, magnesium and zinc tablets when I get the onset of a bout of these and it stops it completely.
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Thanks woofgang, I have had similar in my finger once before and wondered if it was related. Come to think of it, I have also had a few incidences of regular cramp in my calf recently. Sound like I need a supplement.
One often sees on here the problems of the plantar fascia of the foot, the most commonest by far being plantar fasciits.
Well the plantar fascia can rupture leading to sudden onset of pain and bruising.
No big deal and no treatment is needed.
That has what has happened to you? Rupture of the Plantar Fascia.
Possibly Metatarsalgia
Canary........but why a bruise?

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Painful Foot

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