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Chris38 | 11:03 Sun 14th Jul 2013 | Technology
2 Answers
I know I am becoming more impatient and bad-tempered as I get older but do others share my view that BT is becoming very customer-unfriendly? First of all. they threatened to impose penalties unless payments were made by direct debit. Perhaps not entirely unreasonable but other firms offer rewards (not penalties) for accepting direct debit arrangements. Now they impose a penalty if one wants a paper bill. Their latest brainwave is to bill monthly instead of quarterly, without so much as a by-your-leave. They remind me very much of an organisation years ago which made you wait ages to have a telephone put in but you could have a handset in any colour you liked so long as it was black!


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I don't consider the 'Editor's Blog' an appropriate section for your complaints about BT

Anyway, I shall comment...... The firm did reward me with reduced costs when I agreed to Direct Debit and likewise when I accepted Paper Free Billing. Also a substantial saving on my Line Rental by paying for twelve months in advance. However,it was unfair introducing monthly settlement of bills, without customers agreement.

I still think BT is the best for Telephone & Broadband Services.

Definitely the wrong category - but no, I disagree with you entirely, I find them accommodating and helpful in all my dealings with them.

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