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Feel Awful :(

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rockyracoon | 19:41 Tue 16th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Son (14) came home from school tonight complaining of a headache, I thought he was putting it on as I know he didn't want to go to scouts tonight and I was very short with him. Well, He's just had a major puking fest and looks like death warmed up.

Bad mum!


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My son was getting sick Sunday night. I think it was heat related. I was kind to him though ;-) x
try and encourage your kids to drink more water and not fizzy drinks in this heat. I hope the lad recovers soon.
Yep, sounds like a mild dose of heatstroke.
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Thanks all, hopefully he'll be okay in the morning. He's determined to go in for his assessment.
I do hope he's ok tomorrow, maybe send a note with him asking them to keep an eye on him and give him a bottle of water to take with him
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Will do Psybbo, thanks :)
When I was a boy, Leprosy wouldn't have kept me from my weekly Scouts !
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He's got to the end of the road with it I think Mikey, the last few weeks have been a chore trying to get him there. I only made him go because he's camping for a week with them during the summer holidays and I thought he should make the effort seeing as all the leaders give up a lot of their time for the kids.
Boy #1 is going to be off again today. Hope the school font make a fuss as he's now had four days off since last Monday. Hope your son's feeling better soon.
They're not even doing lessons this week.
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If it was any other day I wouldn't be concerned, he got up this morning, head still hurting and looking like a corpse. I told him to go back to bed but he was adamant he was going in to do his assessment (otherwise he'll have to do it at Saturday school in Sept), 'not on my watch matey', it's worth 10% of his final GCSE mark so he needs to be properly able to sit the test and not do a half arsed job of it.

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