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Fabulous Few Days

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DaisyNonna | 20:42 Sat 20th Jul 2013 | Sport
5 Answers
Mo and his 1500 metres record.
Chris Froome in the Tour de France.
England well ahead in the cricket.
(Do think Joe Root without his helmet looks too young to be out without his Mummy.)


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....and Lee Westwood leading The Open into the final day. Come on Lee!
Would be nice Maydup, but I've got so many bets on those behind him that I'm hoping he plays a stinker, sorry
Grand! Wouldn't it be great if Lee Westwood one as well? I'd love it if he won.
England's women rugby team got whitewashed by the Black Ferns, though. And Jayne says the lacrosse team didn't triumph in the world cup.
jno, says it all really, there's sport and womens sport

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