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What's A Northerner?

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FredPuli43 | 22:56 Sat 10th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Dr David Starkey, in his programme about Royal music, has just described Elgar as "a Northerner". Elgar was born and brought up in Worcester and lived no farther north all his life. How do you define a Northerner? At what point does the North start?


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North of Birmingham, to me..... Elgar was a Midlander.
I am proud to be a Midlander. Elgar is one of us.
hey oop
Here in Devon, everything above me is north.
Some would say that in England and/or to an English person a Northerner is anyone intentionally to be belittled or put down. Elsewhere and to others it will mean someone from or living in the northern half of a geographic area referred to, almost certainly exactly so and not based on a skewed proportioning where the limit is just outside a largely urban area in the southern 15-25%.
I lived in London for over 20 years. Most people there slagged the north off something chronic, yet they came up here buying property for their holiday homes. The Dales, the lakes, the peak district. Earn your money and keep it there instead of pricing locals on far less wages out of the market.
cleethorpes really, spurn point at a push
Anywhere above the M4
Hadrian's Wall
the South starts at Macclesfield
That's funny! I always believed the South started three steps from the signpost at John O'Groats.
OH says "south of Watford Gap services?"
Stevenage lol

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