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I Know This Has Been Asked Many Times Before...

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Boto | 17:39 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | Technology
9 Answers
but products change and improve . My Norton antivirus is expiring soon and wondered what is the best one to replace it with. I believe Microsoft Essentials is quite good, if so which anti-malware works best with it? I have looked but can't find any recent questions about this. TIA.


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Which version of Windows are you using?
If Windows 8, then Windows Defender works adequately, Win 7 or earlier I would use Avast Antivirus;lang=en

As Giggsie says, Malwarebytes should be used whichever option you go for.
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We removed a Norton without any trouble (and we're only minimally IT literate) and installed Microsoft esentials. Defender is different and is subsumed by Essentials.
continue with Norton, it's as good as any, do not spoil the ship happeth of tar.
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Thanks so much for all your answers. I have Windows 7.
Get rid of Norton - when we had it, it let all sorts of nasties into our computer which had to be killed off with Microsoft Essentials.

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