The Blood Transfusion in The AnswerBank: Jokes
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The Blood Transfusion

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starone | 23:02 Wed 23rd Oct 2013 | Jokes
10 Answers

An Arab Sheik was admitted to Hospital for heart surgery. But prior to the surgery, the doctors needed to store his blood in case a need arose.
As the gentleman had a rare type of blood, it couldn't be found locally, so the call went out. Finally a Scotsman was located who had a similar blood type. The Scot willingly donated his blood for the Arab. After the surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman as appreciation for giving his blood, a new BMW motorcycle, diamonds and a substantial sum of money.

A couple of days later, the Arab had to go through a corrective surgery.
His doctor telephoned the Scotsman who was more than happy to donate his blood again. After the second surgery, the Arab sent the Scotsman a thank-you card and a box of Quality Street chocolates.

The Scotsman was shocked that the Arab did not reciprocate his kind gesture as he had anticipated. So he phoned the Arab and asked him: "I thought you would be generous again, that you would give me another motorcycle, diamonds and money... But you only gave me a thank-you card and a box of Quality Street chocolates."

To this the Arab replied: "Aye laddie, but I now have Scottish blood in ma veins".
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Aye, we're aye canny wi' oor siller!
13:27 Thu 24th Oct 2013
Good job it wasn't a Yorkshireman...........
Ha ha

i am sheiking with laughter
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Aye, we're aye canny wi' oor siller!
O man, that's cleared my Qatar!
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