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Dinner Ladies

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Caran | 21:30 Sun 15th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How can you tell OH is away over night? Because I just watched 3 episodes back to back (recorded this afternoon) it's repeated tonight at 9.00 on Yesterday.


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Brilliant prog, wasn't it?

Victoria Wood is a genius.
Could you not get a box set, Caran. Watch dinner ladies any time you like then.
Ahhhh, I loved Dinner Ladies.

Always thought of it as 'warm, fuzzy' comedy, kinda like Terry & June, mildly funny but utterly harmless.
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Amazing how many Corrie people were in Dinner Ladies.
It wouldn't be the same with boxed sets. I like the surprise of spotting something on TV that I like. Same with Mrs Brown, always watch the repeats as they happen.
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I do have Mamma Mia on hard drive and will probably watch that again for about the sixth time. OH can't stand it.
OH can't stand it.

LOL, I'm not surprised, Caran.
Wonderful stuff,especially Julie Waters
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It gets me everytime, the I do I do I do bit.
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Julie on the table take a chance on me, brilliant, sorry getting carried away again!!
I also watched 3 episodes yesterday, caran. Tony 'are you pregnant, Bren'
Bren 'not unless sperm can get through a sash window'. Lol lol.
its been showing for last couple of weeks, cracking show, with wonderful performances.
my favourite was Bren who was discussing the tins of food in her cupboard at home having no labels, so that when she opens one its a total surprise. had me rolling in the aisles.
Superb writing, if you've been lucky enough to live in the North-West it was even funnier. One of my favourite occasional characters was Petula's friend, I'm from Urmston, for some explicable reason it always makes me laugh.
Watching the Twinkle actress, Maxine Peak, play Myra Hindley and a couple of other dodgy people in the years since never looks right.
i like maxine peake she is a very good actress, but really fitted in dinner ladies, it has stood the test of time as well.
the writing is so classy, so very witty, i have always liked Victoria Wood
and she came into her own on this series.

Tony: I quite like women in a sad, baffled sort of way! But can we get a grip? Out of a workforce of five, at any given moment one will have pre-menstrual tension, one's panicking because she's not, someone's having a hot flush and someone else is having a nervous breakdown because her HRT patch has fallen in the minestrone!
Jean: That was a one off!

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