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Wishing You All ...........

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Ann | 16:28 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
.........a very peaceful, Happy and above all a Healthy New Year. God bless Ann x


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Happy New Year to you too Ann x
Happy new year to you and your family. God bless. xx
A guid New Year to you and yours Ann.

Lang may yer lum reek wi' ither fowk's coal
May a moose never leave yer girnal we' a teardrop in his ee'
Maggie, I thought you'd lapsed into Wharton mode;-)
Thank you Ann. And the same to you and Yours.

LOL maggie, I had to get the old man to translate the second line. X

thank you ann

the very same to you and yours
Thank you and same to you Ann.
God bless you too lovely Ann
Health and happiness for 2014
Happy new year to you and your family .
And to You too, Ann..
And to you too Ann, and everybody else who passes by these pages tonight.

May the New Year bring health and happiness to you all.
May I just add my good wishes on this thread to all abers for a Very Happy New Year to all and Good Health and peace in 2014.
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..... and I pray for peace in the troubled areas of the world, an end to starvation, better health to the sick, homes to the homeless, friends to the lonely, a lifting of the heart to the depressed and love in our own hearts for all who we meet.
Not asking God for much is it? But God can meet our needs in 2014 :)
Every good wish for 2014 Ann. Stay happy and healthy. x
All the very best for you Ann in 2014 xx
Question Author
Thank you all for your good wishes, I wish the same for you all too x
Health and happiness to you all.
Have a very happy new year, Ann xx

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Wishing You All ...........

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