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I'm Thinking About Upgrading My Bt Infinity Package...

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janzman | 21:16 Thu 23rd Jan 2014 | Internet
25 Answers
...I have a BT Infinity package with 40gb usage and its supplied with a HomeHub 3. An unlimited usage package would be supplied with a HomeHub 5...Can anyone tell me what differences I can expect to see between the two hubs. I've read up on a whole bunch of 'features' of the new hub but not much of the 'benefits'. Please help.


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silliemillie, sorry to hear that, but it's certainly not our experience - we've had no such reset problems, it just keeps going. Even when we had a power cut, I was amazed to find that the connection just came back. No need to call India!
Ha Ha Boxtops, no haven't had to call India yet (fingers crossed!) it just logs you off the internet & instructs you to reset so its just a matter of turning off the modem for 10 seconds & switching It on again,

Its not a major thing or I would have complained or sent it back by now, its just a little annoying when you are all cosy on the sofa to have to get up & do it.
I wonder if it's because you're on a laptop (assuming you are, on the sofa!). I mostly use our internet on my PC, but I do use the wifi on my tablet.
Its possible I suppose, I only have a laptop.

The strange thing is, my other old modem was upstairs & I used the laptop downstairs mostly but now the Modem is in the same room as the laptop (the lounge) because as you know it has to me wired up to the TV so I was expecting a really good connection really.
I upgraded to Infinity this Tuesday and I am now getting 35 mega pixies. It actually costs me £1 less very month than I was paying before ! I had to pay £30 for the BT Engineer to come and change over my internal socket, which only took 20 mins. The new Hub 5 is much better than the old one, giving a much larger range.

I was getting 11 mega pixies before the change, so the difference isn't really dramatic. But if people are only getting 3-4 now, the change is well worth going for.

We have had a lot of work down in the area, putting in Fibre-to-the-Cabinet, which has enabled this change. Three cheers to BT !

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