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ferlew | 16:53 Mon 03rd Feb 2014 | Society & Culture
32 Answers
Beloved pop star 'abused 10-year-old boy'

Is there no end to all this?


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'' the name is all over the net '' where ?
Anne ..Google the headline.....
The headline may cause all sorts of subsequent problems, as there is a band called The Beloved, similar to the Ian (H) Watkins case.
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How can websites name an 'alleged' offender?

The Internet tonight is full of forums and seedy websites which have named the pop star as the latest celebrity involved.

Disgusting; it shoudl remain secret till the police/CPS make an announcement.
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Sir.prize...exactly right. I'm fed up with all this speculation about somebody who hasn't been charged with any offence. Why can't we just wait until he has been charged and then comment ?

AB is getting more like a tabloid every day.
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Not sure what your rant is all about. Have you been drinking again ?

There is plenty of evidence that some Police in this country are inept, stupid and dishonest...wait for the Hillsborough Inquests to start. What I didn't say was that ALL Policemen are corrupt. If your relative is a paragon of virtue, then all to the good...we need more like him.

No idea what you mean by the Elm Guest house. I still stand by my comments regarding the whispers campaign against celebrities in the British press. As soon as someone is named they will be guilty, whatever the evidence that is later produced.

It was obvious from the start that the mother had something to do with the missing boy, in Edinburgh, if that is the one that you are ineptly trying to say.
-- answer removed -- are getting tiresome, so I will not be replying to this post anymore.
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