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How Do I Remember This

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Tilly2 | 19:13 Mon 31st Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I was only four!


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It weighs heavy on your mind, Tilly x
19:14 Mon 31st Mar 2014
My family 'maison' was out in the countryside of the Lakes, tony, an old farmhouse. The coal and coke were housed in two separate old stables and it was there I tried self-crucifixion. And yes, the needle was sore but the antiseptic on both sides was a damn sight more painful from what I remember, the distance to the local hossie about 6 miles..... Beautiful views over the eastern side of the lower Lakes mountains from that place. Somewhere, there's a pic on the web.
See if you can find the pic, DT.
I can remember stuff by Tchaikovsky and I weren't born then either!
here we are, the view from the lawn....I used to try and clear the river at the bottom (can't really see it) with my clapped out golf balls and driver when I was young. The view is rather special though and well imprinted on the memory.

You knew Tchaikovsky, cupid, that's impressive......
Looks great, DT.
Didn't know that your a Russian, cupes.
You have probably seen in since too, plus what genuine memory can't recall the brain is only to willing to fill in details for.
oooh Tennessee Ernie Ford was a handsome country & western singer in his time, I remember jiving away at a youth club dance to him singing "Shot Gun Boogie" a firm fav at the time, later in his career he sang "River of No Return" another hit. I cant remember if he came over and sang at the London Palladium or not, but he certainly had a big following in the UK.
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