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My Washing Is Dry

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Tilly2 | 16:51 Sun 13th Apr 2014 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
but I can't be bothered to go and fetch it in because then I will have to deal with it.

Shall I leave it out overnight?


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Yes, sibs, and on good drying days.

Corylus, a few coat hangers would soon sort out your piles. They wouldn't be piles anymore.
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Grassy, that is so true. I din't plan to spend most of my free time on AB!
I have piles of books as well as clothes and washing, it seems to be a long standing problem.
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Well at least they're piles and not heaps.
Have you brought your washing in now after all this chat?
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17. 52, I posted this:-

All done. It actually took 25 minutes.

That was just before I mentioned coat hangers.
Queen of the Long Threads!
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Sibs, did you notice that I ignored your post about the ironing?

My Articulate 2 thread was ever so long, much to some people's annoyance. He, he!
Yes, I checked later on, I'm sorry I had to miss it.
Procrastination (and posting this on AB) is the thief of time!

I'm off now.....
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Bye bye, corylus.

Tilly, I did at least 5 loads yesterday, casting my clouts and getting out the summer things, but the last load is still on the line from 5pm yesterday, and like yourself I just couldn't be bothered to get it in and deal with it! Just hope there is no red sandy rain overnight!!
It's been too windy to put washing on the line today I ended up putting the duvet cover in the dryer. Yesterday we had someone coming to view the house, so I shoved the pile of ironing in the dryer until they'd gone. Nearly dried the lot again this morning.
Take your hangers out with you, put the clothes straight onto them, no need to iron and saves time, so much easier, I put everything on hangers, well except the undies.

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