Yes, I set myself up for that...
The point I'm trying to make is not necessarily that all of this is right. As I have tried to make clear a few times, I don't think that. But I think some people are too quick to condemn, picking up on small points that are not difficult to see, and not always giving thought to why it is that despite all these "obvious" flaws people still believe in this?
There are two reasons, I think: the first is that some people are just closing their eyes to the flaws, or not bothering to look into it. The second is that, if you are careful, it's possible to make even the most respectable and correct position look foolish, by grabbing at small points and making them bigger than they are. Take the talking snake story in Genesis. Is that really meant to be a true story, or is it perhaps a representation of something deeper? The "snake" could personify evil rather than be literal.
Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism... most of the world religions have been around for centuries and some have been the subject of intense scrutiny during that time. Isn't it a little bit arrogant to think that after the merest surface reading you can see through what millions of people before you cannot? And then, after that small amount of time, to blast it all as "ridiculous nonsense"? Why have so many people "fallen for it"? Not all of them are jumping on the bandwagon with no thought. It's worth, I think, understanding why this is so popular. Why, despite all this scrutiny, people can still believe this. It may be, indeed I think it is, that there is more to it than the parodies of religion I see some ABers post.
It's as bad to be dogmatic about being religious, as it is to be dogmatic about atheism. Even though I believe it to be wrong, I hope never to stop thinking about it.