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They're a bit dodgy alright, and that's leaving aside the link to KKK.
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So you won't be getting Mr Racoon kitted out then?
I'd love to see his reaction if she did :-D
Ties in nicely with flying the flag of St George and being a racist I suppose!
Lol, I'd be banned if a told you what he'd say. Plus the fact he's a paddywak.
well asda is owned by an American company. what more can be expected.
Just Stitch a red pom pom on top - sorted.

well asda is owned by an American company. what more can be expected

I really doubt an American company would be behind anything that could be seen...rightly or be connected to the kkk. just looks like a flag with a hood...people just have to see something that isn't there...
KKK wasn't the first thing that came to mind when I saw it.
I was once asked to join the KKK.

Apparently I'm a wizard under the sheets.

I'll get me cloak......
Abracadabra...and they disappear, Chill?.....☺
LOL @ gness! I have difficulty conjuring up any kind of female to appear these days!
I agree that it's disgusting. White robe? White hood? They could easily be mistaken for . . .

(Actually the one thing that anyone wearing an England flag is really likely to be mistaken for is a total pr@t!)
Must have accessory for League of St George, BNP and even part of UKIP

I garta get some for my pinko leftie wet liberal frenz.... Asda you say ?
Somehow don't think Asda branches in Scotland will be selling this one.
BC I think he has to wear a pair of underpants as well as - and not instead of

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Someone At Asda Didn't Quite Think This Through ...

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