One thing that I have never understood is why should I go private, in order to get treatment that I need badly a little quicker, when all it does is ensure that I see the same Doctor that I would have seen under the NHS ?
By going private, I am jumping the queue but doesn't jumping the queue just make the queue longer in the first place ?
If people want to have private medicine, and be treated privately, I have no problem at all. After all the NHS is compulsory for those who can afford to pay. But treatment should be completely out of the NHS altogether. I know that is going to upset some surgeons but as the NHS is buckling under the pressure of work, they should be able to earn all the money they need within the NHS itself, not take resources away from the NHS and make the queues longer.
I agree with TTT here. I have travelled in America a great deal in years gone by and now many friends there. They are terrified of losing their jobs, because their health care goes as well.
I think we should stop knocking the NHS and start giving it the support and praise that it is most due.
By the way, parts of the NHS has effectively been privatised by stealth for years. Try to find a NHS Dentist if you need one !