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Hayes Accura 56K Speakerphone.

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jackthehat | 17:20 Tue 15th Jul 2014 | Computers
12 Answers
In amongst a box of cables, etc. I 'inherited' I have found one of the above.

It doesn't seem to have the AC adaptor but if it is useful sourcing one shouldn't be a problem.

Could someone tell me if it *is* useful, and what it actually does....before I dispose of it?



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It looks neither exciting nor necessary -

Am sure you'll get a better answer from one of the tech mavens :-)
This is strange...
OK, never say die - this from 1998 - (hopefully!) -
Apologies jth, that would appear to be the best I can manage & have no idea why the first link didn't show!

I do hope someone better-qualified comes along to help :-)
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LoL......I thank you for your persistence L-i-K.....:o)

I wasn't sure if there was any particular circumstance in which it might prove useful......and Dr. Google seemed to provide me with a list of technical specs rather than giving me an Idiot's Guide, which is what I *really* need. LoL
:-) We can keep bumping it back to LP until someone helpful notices!

Nothing wrong with that, it's your thread...
It is a Modem for the old fashioned 'Dial-up' connection. One end plugs into a USB port on a computer/laptop and the other end is to take a lead to a telephone socket.

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Ah, I see.....

Thanks, Hans.

jth - sorry, I forgot! Glad you got a halfway decent answer though :-)

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Hayes Accura 56K Speakerphone.

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